Tully Tuesdays Volume 22

Tully Tuesday Volume 22

This is a random thoughts column today,

I like Keegan Bradley for the Ryder Cup, he’s got a little nasty to him, but I think way too much of a deal is placed on the captain of the team. It’s cool but in the end if the Captains don’t play they are more like a manager than a captain. The Captains should at least play in a singles match on Sunday.

Sweetgreen is too expensive. I like eating there, but <$20 for a salad is bananas. I could a meal much more filling for half the price, and why I would be sacrificing the nutrition to an extent, is there anyone outside of the finance bros that can shell out <$100 a week on salads? If it was $12.50 or even $15 I’d go almost every day.

Every NFL team should be wearing modernized versions of their best throwback jerseys.

These new Jaguars throwbacks are awesome and miles better than the getup they currently sport. The Jets have made a great move by going back to their classic look, and I’d like to see most of the NFL teams ditching their ugly modern jerseys for classic looking jerseys.

Essentia is the best fancy water. I can’t stand the taste of Evian. I had the box water last week while golfing and it tastes like Milk. SmartWater is pretty decent but I’m grabbing the Essentia when available every time.

Leave Charlie Woods alone. Golf is hard. Being Tiger Woods’ son is probably pretty awesome but the amount of pressure he must be in under in every event can’t be fun and puts him on a very uneven playing field.

I wish there was a place in the north shore where I could play Pickleball in the winter with other people my age. I really enjoy playing and would love an added competitive element similar to golf that I could look forward to in the winter a couple of nights.

I think the Olympics are cool but I don’t see them getting the TV over CFB 25 anytime soon. They might iPad level until the big events.

I say this every week but I cannot wait for football. I went to Ohio State for this type of season, loaded team, Cowboys are probably the same team as usual, and with the new schedule the National Championship should be able to pick me up after the failed Wild Card round again this year.

My friend Dylan Tyrer should have a job in the NHL calling games. He’s been hosting for an NHL team for years and I know he’s been grinding, he got to call a game on TV last year and crushed it. The only negative was I think my Mac was comprised watching the game on the stream so when he does get the call, that might be a nice gift in return.

This season of the Boys was great, but it’s so hard to watch shows that you can’t binge. I need to know what happens.

Speaking of that I just started the Gentlemen. The first two episodes are wild and I’m looking forward to finishing it this weekend.

It should be easier to get your car inspected. For 40$ they should be able to do it in your driveway.

That’s all I got this week.

Til Next week