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  • Tully Tuesday's Volume 43, the Golfer's Christmas List for Girlfriends

Tully Tuesday's Volume 43, the Golfer's Christmas List for Girlfriends

I’ll get to the list in a moment, but I want to get a sports take off the top here. I have zero sympathy for the Lions and their injuries. Every team deals with injuries and some more than others. If you’re going to talk about how physical your team plays you’re going to get more guys hurt. Last year was the Lions underdog feel good season. Nobody feels bad for you. You’re supposed to be the team that beats the Eagles. I don’t want to hear injuries as an excuse. You had no problem wiggling your dick at the Cowboys without Micah Parsons, Demarcus Lawrence, Zach Martin, and Daron Bland. I will have none of it.

College Playoff Preview coming on Thursday

An annual theme for me is I get a lot of texts from friends and their SOs asking for gift ideas for Christmas. My reputation precedes me. I am a golf gadget collector. I’ve tried every training aid, cart attachment, bag accessory. You name it. I have built a locker for my car that hosts all of my golf bullshit.

I am no expert but I am a better golfer than you or your husband, and I’ve used these tools to get to this point. Yes there are a few guys who will read this and laugh and yes I know you’re better than I, but looking at the subscriber list here I know this is a short list.

I have not taken the time to affliate these links, so I don’t make any money from any of the recommendations, this one is for the boys.

Here is the definitive list to send to your mom, girlfriend, or wife if you suck at golf and are trying to get better.

Training Aids


The number one training aid in golf is the ProSendr. It’s a tool that attaches to your wrist for the range and helps get your hands in the right position to release the club and hit the ball square. I warm up with this tool most rounds, and have seen a significant upgrade in my ball striking since I bought the tool. I have been shouting this from the rooftops since the day I bought it.

DownUnder Board

My second recommendation is also a part of my daily routine, the DownUnder board. You place the board between your legs and squeeze it throughout the swing. It feels goofy as hell, but once you get the hang of it, your body slowly begins to understand how to use the ground in your swing, leading to better contact and better distance throughout the bag. If you are a range rat like myself, you should have both of these tools.

The GolfForever trainer

This is an awesome tool to bring to the gym and the course. It’s a little pricey, but you will notice a difference pretty quick. Their app is loaded with workouts you can use the tool with, and it’s the best golf warmup aid there is. I hook it right up to my car and stretch before every round. It gets your body ready to move for golf and has been a good motivator for me to get to the gym because the results speak for themselves. Just swinging the club without the cords can get you loose, and the workouts are a pretty good sweat.

Stack System

The Stack System is also a little pricier, but if you’re looking for more distance it’s the end all be all there. You need to buy a swing speed radar as well but they do have bundles where you can get it. The workouts are built with AI to give you a path to hitting the ball harder and more consistently. I gained 15-20 yards on my drive when I was really using this tool a lot, and I couldn’t recommend it more if you feel like you have topped out your distance. The tracking is great, and the workouts are fun enough to do particularly when you start to see the results. This is expensive but worth it.


If you’re trying to find some apparel, you can’t go wrong with Peter Millar. As Chesson Hadley famously said, nobody touches this body but Peter.

It’s the best looking, best fitting brand on the market and if you know your SOs size it’s the easiest gift to get. They have great branded gear too where you can get college or MLB logos on the gear, easy one stop shop. Don’t waste your money on the bad birdies of the world and get some outrageous shirt, it lands once, but the guy that shows up in the same wild shirt more than once usually sucks.

Shoes, don’t buy golf shoes. If your husband asks for golf shoes. Buy a $200 PGA superstore Gift card and put it in a shoebox. There is so much variety in shoes, and it’s such a personal preference from one pair to the next. That’s why I have 11 pairs of golf shoes in my truck. Different days call for different dogs, and the more shoes you have the longer each pair lasts.

Same with clubs, unless he has given you the EXACT specs for a club that you are walking into the store with a notepad and handing to the probably moron working the cash register, you should just get the Gift card, or better yet CASH and let him go and have a day at the golf store to get what he wants. Same goes with golf bags.

Balls. Get ProV1s or Prov1xs. If you don’t know which one, text someone he plays with or instagram DM them and ask what kind of balls he plays. Not everyone plays the same and there’s nothing worse than being stuck with a box of balls you can’t return. It makes a difference, even if it’s more in your head than on the course, but going the extra mile to get the right ones carries extra weight.


My favorite category. I have all the bullshit. The best bullshit is the StripeBird Magnet for your phone. Your phone screws right in and you can have it mounted on the golf cart. I leave mine in my bag. The bonus to this is if you have a rangefinder you will never forget it on the cart ever again, because it’s right next to your phone.

Groove it Mini G

This is the best brush on the market, fits right on your bag or in your pocket, gets in all the dirty areas to clean your clubs. I have 3 of these. It’s the best.

Personalized Golf Glove Case

I rotate 2 or 3 gloves during a round. I play more than 75 rounds a year. Having a glove case keeps them active longer than traditionally clipping them to the bag does, My wife got me a nice personalized one from etsy that I love. It might be too late for xmas but you’d be surprised how fast they turn these around.

And finally time for shameless plug, if your boyfriend or husband spends his weekend gambling on sports, sign him up for a LockedIN account here, hundreds of our clients are using this tool and making big bucks using both our models and picks. Imagine the Birken bag he could buy you after hitting a 6 leg parlay with our picks like one of our clients did this weekend. labofdata.com , select LockedIN and sign him up

Lastly, if he is trying to get into golf or an avid player, buy him lessons, a 3 pack or something to that from the pro staff at his club, if you need some recommendations feel free to inbox me on instagram or reply to this email and I will set you up with a pro. Lessons are the best way to get better, and nobody is ever to good to get a lesson.

Hopefully this saves you from a bad Christmas, and if you’re late to the game for shipping most of these items are available at your local golf galaxy or PGA Superstore. If you have never been inside the store and are intimidated, ask your brother or your dad to go with you, you might get a free lunch out of it.

Merry Christmas

Til Next week


Tully Tuesday’s is brought to you by RoadMap Technologies and labofdata.com , RoadMap LockedIN is an online forecasting technologies that we use and our clients use to forecast out all scenarios, including Sports betting. Check it out or reach out to learn more!

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